Quarantine Backyard Ultra – Why are we doing it?

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As a coaching company our mission is to support athletes. The primary way we do this is through offering coaching programs at a variety of price points and for a variety of experience levels, but that is just the tip of the iceberg in terms of how we can help. We also provide coaching opportunities for elite and sub-elite runners who are committed and passionate about pursuing their dreams. And in entirely novel situations like this year’s COVID-19 pandemic, where athletes are seeing their goal races, their running community, and their opportunity for adventure and training being put on hold, we ask, “how can we help?”

The Backyard racing style with it’s devilishly simple format offers a unique opportunity to put on a virtual race. Making this a pretty simple way for us to offer an opportunity for athletes to test their fitness, be a part of a community, and showcase their talents on the world stage while complying to all necessary safety measures imposed by their region. In this way, we can support athletes and bring the community together all while respecting the seriousness of the current global situation.

Something to look forward to in a crisis so that even if we are in isolation, we are not alone.

To Register, Check out the Website HERE
Invite your friends to the the Facebook Event HERE


For more information on the Quarantine Backyard Ultra click HERE

1 Comment

  • Steve German

    March 26, 2020 @ 9:53 am

    Great idea! Although most of us are not in peak form, let’s have a go at testing ourselves!

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