Quarantine Backyard Ultra – IMPORTANT: Meeting Reboot at 23 hours

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After our current loop (23 hours after race start) we will need to reboot all of our zoom meetings to stay within the 24h limit.

All Zoom links are currently posted in the chat box down below, if you need to copy them make sure to copy them before we end the meeting

Race HQ will end the meeting, and then restart it with 3:00 to go in the loop. You should be added back automatically, but if you are not added back into the meeting within 30s log back in with the exact same meeting link and password that got you on to the call you are currently on.

If you have trouble with logging back on, or have lost your link, email us with your bib number and I will send over the link for you ASAP

If you have any problems, get out, run your loop, and try logging back on later! Don’t let a technical problem stop your race!


For more information about the Quarantine Backyard Ultra click HERE