So, I did a thing. 6 months ago I decided to join a virtual challenge. I knew it would be hard and require a lot of time and dedication but I was determined to complete it. A lot of people won`t understand , however I take challenges like this very seriously. I am stubborn. Or tenacious, committed, consistent.. depending who you talk to haha
I pushed myself pretty hard, I went out in the snow and freezing windchill, in the rain, wind and hail. I went out at night and in the morning. I walked when all I wanted to do was sit and watch a movie with my family. But when I set a goal, I try very hard to reach it. I had so much support from my family and my friends.
I am SO HAPPY to say that as of last night I have finally completed my MTU SHOWDOWN.
1289kms and 31300m of elevation (that`s 3.5x the height of Everest!!) for a total of 1600MTU`S.
Interesting to note that after all of that, I weight exactly the same as I did at the beginning. A true testament to how much I love my junk food...?!😆
#radmums #virtualchallenge