Personal Peak Summer Race Series

The Personal Peak Summer Race Series was a set of four consecutive races held throughout the summer of 2020. These virtual races had over 1600 total registrants from 36 countries around the world. Our youngest participant was just 4 years old! And the oldest, 71!

The concept may have been simple, but the races were anything but! Each race was a time trial targeted at a different intensity zone, which meant no matter who you were, how fit you were, or how fast you were, everyone racing would be working just as hard, for just as long. The only difference? Each race, one person ran farther than the rest…

  • May 30, 2020 – 20 minutes
  • June 27, 2020 – 45 minutes
  • July 25, 2020 – 3 hours
  • August 22, 2020 – 12 hours
Total km
Two tandem teams raced our event yesterday! Radical! #bobjackson #kingkogoakland #summerraceseries #teamfundraiser

Two tandem teams raced our event yesterday! Radical! #bobjackson #kingkogoakland #summerraceseries #teamfundraiser ...

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🚨 We want to hear from YOU! 🚨

Got a cool idea for a race theme? We’re looking for your suggestions for our 2024 Summer Race Series (especially for July & August)! 🏃‍♀️💥 

Want to win one free entry to the race? Head over to our Facebook and drop your theme ideas in the comments! 🎉 

We’re accepting suggestions from December 18th-22nd, so don’t wait! Let’s see what creative ideas you’ve got! 

👉 Go to our Facebook page now to enter! 
#YOURUNTHIS #RaceThemes #SummerRaceSeries #GetCreative #MWRFun

🚨 We want to hear from YOU! 🚨

Got a cool idea for a race theme? We’re looking for your suggestions for our 2024 Summer Race Series (especially for July & August)! 🏃‍♀️💥

Want to win one free entry to the race? Head over to our Facebook and drop your theme ideas in the comments! 🎉

We’re accepting suggestions from December 18th-22nd, so don’t wait! Let’s see what creative ideas you’ve got!

👉 Go to our Facebook page now to enter!
#YOURUNTHIS #RaceThemes #SummerRaceSeries #GetCreative #MWRFun

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2nd Place at tonight's 8th Annual DTLA Grand Prix Road Crit #2 presented by ulockmob #teamlhc #fof #fullonfoe #ulockmob #dtlagrandprix #summerraceseries #road #crit #2 teamlincolnheightscyclery csulbcycling

2nd Place at tonight`s 8th Annual DTLA Grand Prix Road Crit #2 presented by ulockmob #teamlhc #fof #fullonfoe #ulockmob #dtlagrandprix #summerraceseries #road #crit #2 teamlincolnheightscyclery csulbcycling ...

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Saco River Brewing is a proud sponsor of the Summer Race Series. This year they are partnering with the Be The Match organization. You can get all the details about this partnership and the race series at or follow them on Instagram at summerraceseries 

#sacoriverbrewing #summerraceseries #abenaki  #rogerscrossing #attitash #bethematch #bicycleracing #mtwashingtonvalley #mountwashingtonvalley #cooscyclingclub #wolfeborosingletrackalliance #greatglentrails #coostrails  #mainecraftbeer #mainebeer

Saco River Brewing is a proud sponsor of the Summer Race Series. This year they are partnering with the Be The Match organization. You can get all the details about this partnership and the race series at or follow them on Instagram at summerraceseries

#sacoriverbrewing #summerraceseries #abenaki #rogerscrossing #attitash #bethematch #bicycleracing #mtwashingtonvalley #mountwashingtonvalley #cooscyclingclub #wolfeborosingletrackalliance #greatglentrails #coostrails #mainecraftbeer #mainebeer

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sad I'm not at the ham race 🍻🏁🏢🏤🚴🚴🚴🏡🚩#hamcycles #bici #summerraceseries #workhard

sad I`m not at the ham race 🍻🏁🏢🏤🚴🚴🚴🏡🚩#hamcycles #bici #summerraceseries #workhard ...

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Here it is:  the dates for the Cobra Den Trail Series. 

June 21- Cape 5k / 10k - TDW
July 19 - Samar 4 and 8 miler - WRT
August 2 - Caspian 5 and 10 miler - TDW
August 16 - King 10k and Half Marathon - WRT. (This race is a preview of Mamba 100)

Registration will open the first week of January. 

Save money by registering for the Short or Long Series.

#running #run #runner #trailrunning #trailrunner #trailrunninglife #shelbyfarmspark #shelbyfarmstrails #SummerRaceSeries #trailseries

Here it is: the dates for the Cobra Den Trail Series.

June 21- Cape 5k / 10k - TDW
July 19 - Samar 4 and 8 miler - WRT
August 2 - Caspian 5 and 10 miler - TDW
August 16 - King 10k and Half Marathon - WRT. (This race is a preview of Mamba 100)

Registration will open the first week of January.

Save money by registering for the Short or Long Series.

#running #run #runner #trailrunning #trailrunner #trailrunninglife #shelbyfarmspark #shelbyfarmstrails #SummerRaceSeries #trailseries

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Beautiful day for a 5K! #dashfordetection rolfefoundation #summerraceseries #itshot

Beautiful day for a 5K! #dashfordetection rolfefoundation #summerraceseries #itshot ...

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Первый этап. 20 минут. 4310 метров.. Отличное соревнование! #SummerRaceSeries #SRSFinish

Первый этап. 20 минут. 4310 метров.. Отличное соревнование! #SummerRaceSeries #SRSFinish ...

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Morning run after a month off.  We'll see how this goes.  #summerraceseries #srsstart

Morning run after a month off. We`ll see how this goes. #summerraceseries #srsstart ...

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Ready to run the Personal Peak Summer Race Series. 

Ready to run the Personal Peak Summer Race Series.

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Race day! 9am start, 9pm finish 🤞#summerraceseries #srsstart

Race day! 9am start, 9pm finish 🤞#summerraceseries #srsstart ...

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#SummerRaceSeries #SRSStart

#SummerRaceSeries #SRSStart ...

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#SummerRaceSeries #SRSStart

#SummerRaceSeries #SRSStart ...

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Race 1. I don't remember how to run fast. #summerraceseries #srsstart personal_peak

Race 1. I don`t remember how to run fast. #summerraceseries #srsstart personal_peak ...

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Virtual race day tomorrow! Chase the clock for 12 hrs and get as far as you can. 


Virtual race day tomorrow! Chase the clock for 12 hrs and get as far as you can.


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#SummerRaceSeries #SRSStart

#SummerRaceSeries #SRSStart ...

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#SummerRaceSeries #SRSStart #1hourtooearly

#SummerRaceSeries #SRSStart #1hourtooearly ...

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It’s time to tow the line again! This time a 45 minute running time trial. 🏃 I am guessing I am the only one in the race who did a self supported double Ironman 12 days ago 🏊‍♂️ 🚴‍♀️ 🏃 .  personal_peak #summerraceseries #srsstart

It’s time to tow the line again! This time a 45 minute running time trial. 🏃 I am guessing I am the only one in the race who did a self supported double Ironman 12 days ago 🏊‍♂️ 🚴‍♀️ 🏃 . personal_peak #summerraceseries #srsstart ...

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/// Time to push myself.
Trying something new and testing my limits. So excited about these races.
 #allabouttrail #trailrunning #trailsisters #happiness #loverunning #runhappy  #SummerRaceSeries #SRSStart #makeeveryrunanadventure #leaveatrail #running #traillove #runningini #trailrunninggirl #testinglimits

/// Time to push myself.
Trying something new and testing my limits. So excited about these races.

#allabouttrail #trailrunning #trailsisters #happiness #loverunning #runhappy #SummerRaceSeries #SRSStart #makeeveryrunanadventure #leaveatrail #running #traillove #runningini #trailrunninggirl #testinglimits

41 4
Tried out my 450 meter track to see which direction will give me the best speed advantage this is going to be fun because you can do anything for 20minutes right? 🤪
#SummerRaceSeries #SRSStart

Tried out my 450 meter track to see which direction will give me the best speed advantage this is going to be fun because you can do anything for 20minutes right? 🤪
#SummerRaceSeries #SRSStart

16 1
Listo para el “Summer Race Series” de personal_peak 
A darle con todo mañana. 🇲🇽 🏃🏾‍♂️ #SummerRaceSeries

Listo para el “Summer Race Series” de personal_peak
A darle con todo mañana. 🇲🇽 🏃🏾‍♂️ #SummerRaceSeries

22 1
personal_peak #summerraceseries #srsstart A twenty minute time trial race that is pretty much guaranteed be a disaster.  The official pace vehicle and ride along passenger are ready!

personal_peak #summerraceseries #srsstart A twenty minute time trial race that is pretty much guaranteed be a disaster. The official pace vehicle and ride along passenger are ready! ...

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Error: No posts found. No posts made to this hashtag within the last 24 hours.

Full results can be found here

Series Winners – Individual


Most Points – Adam “Tango” Holland

Race One – 20-minutes – 6.01 km | 3.73 miles |93.6 points
Race Two – 45-minutes – 13.47 km | 8.37 miles |97.1 points
Race Three – 3-hours – 46.96 km | 29.18 miles |100 points
Race Four – 12-hours – 151.9 km | 94.4 miles |100 points

Total Points = 390.7

Most Consistent – Jesper Elfving

Race One – 20-minutes – 4.56 km | 2.83 miles | 71.0 points
Race Two – 45-minutes – 10.04 km | 6.24 miles | 72.4 points
Race Three – 3-hours – 33.30 km | 20.69 miles |70.9 points
Race Four – 12-hours – 102.6 km | 63.75 miles |67.5 points

Standard Deviation = 2.08


Series Winners – Team


Most Points – Team Tac

Race One – 20-minutes – Earl Zimmer – 5.20 km | 3.23 miles | 81.0 points
Race Two – 45-minutes – Ryan Gerlach – 12.06 km | 7.49 miles |86.9 points
Race Three – 3-hours – Sean Hickey – 40.8 km | 25.35 miles |86.9 points
Race Four – 12-hours – Josh Inhaber – 102.5 km | 63.7 miles | 67.5 points

Total Points = 322.3

Most Consistent – The Milnes

Race One – 20-minutes – Karen Milne – 2.75 km | 1.71 miles | 55.1 points
Race Two – 45-minutes – Caitlin Milne – 6.53 km | 4.06 miles |59.7 points
Race Three – 3-hours – Shawn Parsons – 27.6 km | 17.2 miles | 58.9 points
Race Four – 12-hours – Keeley Milne – 80.1 km | 49.8 miles | 66.2 points

Standard Deviation = 4.60


Individual Race Winners


Race One – 20-minutes

Keeley Milne – 4.99 km | 3.10 miles
Danny Domres – 6.42 km | 3.99 miles

Race Two – 45-minutes

Bridget Dawes – 10.94 km | 6.80 miles
Danny Domres – 13.87 km | 8.62 miles

Race Three – 3-hours

Bridget Dawes – 40.75 km | 25.32 miles
Adam “Tango” Holland – 46.96 km | 29.18 miles

Race Four – 12-hours

Bridget Dawes – 121.0 km | 75.2 miles
Adam “Tango” Holland – 151.9km | 94.4miles

Summer Race Series Trophies. Golden Metronome for the Most Consistent, and the Golden Clock for the Series Winner.
Summer Race Series Teams Trophy