6 Days in the North
- Matt “Shep” Shepard 551.2 km | 342.5 miles
- Keeley Milne 427.2 km | 265.4 miles
- Derek Yip 322.0 km | 200.1 miles
Find out more about the race
6 Days in the North was a 6-day running race that began on Wednesday, July 1, 2020. Where our very own Matt “Shep” Shepard attempted to break one of Canada’s longest running running records.
The current Canadian 6-day record of 870.252 km was set by David Bennett in 1891.
After 6 days of treacherous weather and a knee injury, Shep did not reach his goal. However, in true Shep form, this experience has not soured him from the experience. He has simply redoubled his commitment to achieve it. The race may be over, but the dream will never die. A sentiment echoed by both Zach Bitter and Joe Fejes when they joined us on our facebook LIVE feeds.
Zach Bitter reminded us that it took him 5 years to reach a goal he thought was in his grasp on day one. But he did eventually achieve it. His secret was enjoying the process. For if you enjoy the training, the event, the sport, there is simply no such thing as failures. And when the day finally comes, the attainment is all the sweeter for the striving (check out his interview here).
Joe Fejes added that he has learned from every one of his attempts and that injury is par for the course when it comes to multi day racing. He went as far as saying it is not a matter of “if” you will get injured, but a matter of “when”. You need to know how to deal with it when it comes, and each event you grow through the ups and downs, and get better in the process (check out his interview here).
Our last minute dark horse racers for the event came in with little targeted preparation and thus limited expectations. What they achieved was remarkable! Keeley Milne blew us away with over 400kms. Surpassing her previous personal best distance by over 300 km! She even hinted there will be more 6-day races in her future. She’s caught the bug!
Derek Yip put in solid distances each and every day. He continued to move well after surpassing his previous personal best distance and hit his goal of 200 miles! He did so with a smile every step of the way.
We could not be more proud of the achievements of every one of these athletes. In the least ideal of conditions. Every day, each one of them chose to step back onto the track. It would have been easy to simply throw in the towel, and save their effort for another day, but when faced with the option to pull out due to unfortunate circumstances, or push through knowing they would not achieve their best, they chose to continue.
Congratulations to all of them!
For official results click here
- Matt “Shep” Shepard 551.2 km | 342.5 miles
- Keeley Milne 427.2 km | 265.4 miles
- Derek Yip 322.0 km | 200.1 miles
Special thanks to Todd Shepard for being our host throughout the week!
All LIVE updates were posted on our Facebook page. The individual links are listed below.
LIVE update show schedule:
LIVE from “6 Days in the North” – 16hrs until Race Start
Shep gives a preview of the track the night before race start.
RACE START – LIVE from “6 Days in the North”
LIVE coverage of the race start.
Wednesday Evening Update – LIVE from “6 Days in the North”
John Vonhof, author of Fixing your Feet joins us to talk about foot care in the rain.
You can buy “Fixing Your Feet” on Amazon.ca https://amzn.to/2NLJ8wh or Amazon.com https://amzn.to/31B1bNZ
Thursday Morning Update – LIVE from “6 Days in the North”
Friend and competitor, Kevin Barata joins to wish Matt well, and discusses his most recent projects.
For more information on Kevin’s fundraiser, check out Run For Water Trail Race or check out this article
Run for Water: Abbotsford man raises $100,000 running 100-mile marathon
Or read more about their Outrun Backyard Ultra race in this article Inaugural Outrun Backyard Ultra a mudfest
To find out how Kevin did at the Quarantine Backyard Ultra check it out here! Abbotsford’s Barata finishes tied for 15th in Quarantine Backyard Ultra
Thursday Evening Update – LIVE from “6 Days in the North”
Race competitor Derek Yip joins to talk about how the race is going.
Friday Morning Update – LIVE from “6 days in the North”
We catch up with Xeata Daugherty, the crew extraordinaire, as she makes pancakes for the competitors!
To learn more about Xeata’s crewing effort: Xeata Daugherty providing crucial support in Matt Shepard’s attempt at the Canadian ultra marathon record book
Friday Evening Update – LIVE from “6 Days in the North”
Competitors Matt “Shep” Shepard and Keeley Milne call in and update us on how their races are going.
Saturday Morning Update – LIVE from “6 Days in the North”
The Halftime Show!
Coach Travis Schiller-Brown joins the call to discuss what an effort like this takes to train for, and find out what we can expect in the last half of this race.
Saturday Evening Update – LIVE from “6 Days in the North
Special Guest Gary Cantrell a.ka. Lazarus Lake joins Todd to talk about how his races are going, his thoughts on how the USA is handling the COVID crises, and how he adapted when his little race across Tennessee that was built for a couple hundred people skyrocketed to over 19,000 participants!
(There’s even a cameo appearance by Big Dog himself)
For more information on the Great Virtual Run Across Tennessee (GVRAT)
For more information on the Last Annual Heart Of the South Race (HOTS)
For more information on the Last Annual Vol State Road Race
Sunday Evening Update – LIVE from “6 Days in the North”
LIVE track side Q&A with all three race participants.
Sunday Morning Update – LIVE from “6 Days in the North”
Shep discusses his knee injury, and his athletes sent some words of encouragement to their Coach.
Thank you to Shep’s athletes Crystal, Jordan, Tracey, Cameron, and Michael!
And… Laz and Sandra <3
To learn more about physiotherapist Brian Sherk with Adventure Physiotherapy check him out here
Monday Morning Update – LIVE from “6 Days in the North”
Today we have Matt and Pete Kostelnik on to chat everything multi day running!
Pete Kostelnick is the current world record holder for the fastest coast-to-coast crossing of the United States by foot. He was the former Badwater Ultramarathon course record holder, and finisher of the Ke2Key self supported run.
To learn more about Pete’s many accomplishments visit http://petesfeetaa.com/
Monday Evening Update – LIVE from “6 Days in the North
Zach Bitter joins the show. Zach is the current 100mile Record holder, and 100 mile Treadmill record holder.
Not only is Zach an athlete, he is also a coach! To learn more about Zach’s accomplishments and his coaching visit zachbitter.com
For the sponsors he mentions:
FINALE! – LIVE from “6 Days in the North”
To close we have a very special guest, the current American 6-day record holder Joe Fejes!
He set the record in 2015 running 606 miles or 975km. In this interview, Joe discusses what were the ups and downs, wins and losses, that helped him achieve his goal, and what are the goals he still has on the table?
For a behind the scenes look at everything that happened, follow the participants on Instagram
Valleyview man to make record breaking attempt at Ultra Run – June 24, 2020
Valleyview resident Matt Shepard looking to beat Canadian ultra marathon record at Legion Field – June 29, 2020
Who is Matt “Shep” Shepard? – June 30, 2020
Alberta man attempting to break 6-day distance running record set nearly 130 years ago – July 1, 2020
Canada Day rainfall records topped across Peace Region – July 2, 2020
Xeata Daugherty providing crucial support in Matt Shepard’s attempt at the Canadian ultra marathon record book – July 6, 2020
Valleyview man and friends complete six day running journey – July 7, 2020
Knee injury stalls Matt Shepard’s ability to break Canadian ultra marathon record – July 7, 2020
Knee injury impedes Matt Shepard’s shot at Canadian record in the ultra marathon discipline – July 7, 2020
Canadian ultrarunner falls short of 129-year-old record – July 8, 2020